Paris, October 12th, 2020 – ORPHELIA Pharma, a French biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the development and marketing of pediatric and orphan drugs announces today that it will organize a symposium at the Société Internationale d’Oncologie Pédiatrique (SIOP) congress 2020. The session will focus on the pediatric use of temozolomide in the treatment of relapsed or refractory pediatric tumors and will showcase the development of Kimozo a ready-to-use and taste-masked oral suspension of temozolomide adapted to children.
“ORPHELIA Pharma is committed to improving the care of patients with pediatric and rare diseases, including developing innovative formulations to address children needs,” comments Jeremy Bastid, Chief Development Officer of ORPHELIA Pharma. “Our commitment to develop child-friendly medicines is a historical pillar of our company and this session at the SIOP meeting highlights our long-term close collaboration with the pediatric oncology community”.
This industry symposium entitled “Improving children care with temozolomide oral suspension” will be held virtually on Friday, October 16th from 9:15 AM to 9:35 AM local time (Ottawa), from 3:15 PM. to 3:35 PM. Central European Time (CET) and accessible by connecting on the SIOP meeting website ( in the “Product theatre” section.
Dr Lucas Moreno (Val d’Hebron Hospital, Spain) and Dr Dominique Valteau-Couanet (Gustave Roussy Hospital, France), two internationally renowned clinicians, will talk about the critical role of temozolomide in the management of relapsed or refractory pediatric tumors, including high-risk neuroblastomas. The third presenter, Dr Caroline Lemarchand, Chief Pharmaceutical Development Officer of ORPHELIA Pharma, will discuss the development of Kimozo, the first pediatric formulation of temozolomide under clinical development.
We look forward to welcoming you during this unique event.
About Kimozo
Kimozo (also known as Ped-TMZ or ORP-005) is a ready-to-use and taste-masked oral suspension of temozolomide that is currently under clinical development to address children needs. Kimozo is an investigational medicinal product not yet approved for use or marketing anywhere in the world.
About SIOP 2020 virtual congress
The SIOP Annual Meetings bring together more than 2,500 leading clinicians and scientists from over 100 countries to share recent momentous scientific advances in the field of paediatric oncology. This congress represents an unique opportunity to stay up to date in this rapidly moving field and to bring the latest science to bedside. In light of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on travel restrictions and physical distancing requirements, the SIOP 2020 Annual Meeting will be held virtually on October 14-17, 2020.